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With workshops and events at Big Shoulders Yoga you can go beyond your regular yoga practice or simply spend some more time with our community. Keep growing your practice by trying new things!

Yoga workshops in chicago

& Events

Explore upcoming workshops & events

Yoga community west town Chicago

Embark on a Chakra Journey: Discovering Inner Alignment through Asana

Led by Kate Hardwick

Saturday, May 11th at 12:30pm - 2:30pm

Curious about the chakras and their significance in your practice? Join us at BSY instructor, Kate Hardwick, for an immersive two-hour workshop delving into these energy centers within the body. Gain insights not only into your internal balance but also into how they shape your connections and interactions in the world.

The workshop will begin with the foundation and fundamentals, exploring the definitions, elements, and underlying philosophy of the main seven energy centers. Through a dynamic Asana practice, we’ll delve deeper into these concepts with centering mantras, elevating chants, and energizing bandhas to channel the energy upward and experience firsthand how sensation, emotion, and energy flow within your body.  A guided meditation to provide a tranquil space for introspection and listening to the messages your body holds, will close the session.

The subtle body offers immense wisdom if we can train ourselves to quiet our minds and learn to listen.  From relationships to creativity, personal power to spiritual evolution, the chakras intricately intertwine with every aspect of life.  Leave equipped with tools and a newfound curiosity, ready to explore the depths of self-understanding. Join us to awaken your potential and embark on a transformative journey of empowerment and self-discovery!

Cost: $35

Yoga community west town Chicago

Monthly Happy Hour
Following the 5:30pm class

Join us for a community Happy Hour following the 5:30pm class (6:45pm-ish) one Friday a month! We'll have snacks and drinks but feel free to bring something to share.

Upcoming Dates:
Friday, May 31st

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Private Class or Event Request

Planning a celebration, looking to deepen your personal practice or improve your teaching skills? Schedule a private class with one of our experienced instructors starting at $100/hr. We can accommodate your schedule and location choice, or host at our studio. Send us an email or fill out the form below.

Here are some examples of past requests:
·Birthday, baby shower, bachelor/bachelorette party, etc.
·Weekly private classes
·Work on your inversions or other specific areas of your practice
·Learn/practice hands-on adjustments & assists
·Professional coaching for yoga instructors

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Highlights from past workshops.

Yoga Studio ChicagoYoga students with chicago yoga teacherPartner YogaOnline Yoga Teacher TrainingYoga TrainingLearn to teach yogaTeaching adjustments for yoga students
a yoga teacher

PAST EVENT Inversion Workshop
July 29th at 12pm

At BSY, most classes end with a brief inversion practice but there's only so much you can do in 5-10 minutes. This workshop is for anyone who wishes for more time "at the wall." We'll do an abbreviated class to warm us up for our inversion practice, and then spend the majority of the workshop focusing on the mechanics and fundamentals of Forearm Balance (Pincha Mayurasana), Handstand (Adho Mukha Vrksasana), and some fun variations.

This workshop will include options for a wide range of practitioners.

Partner Yoga

PAST EVENT Partner Yoga Workshop
December 10th at 12pm

Think: using people as props. You'll team up with your partner to get more leverage in forward folds, lift in backbends, and stability in balancing poses. Plus, we'll work on a few simple adjustments that you can use to help each other in poses. This workshop is suitable for all levels. So grab a partner who’s in your bubble (significant other, friend, family member, roommate, etc.) and let’s have some fun! This workshop will be held online and in-studio. Cost: $20 per person.

Kirtan singing

PAST EVENT: Join us Sunday evening, June 27th for an evening of Kirtan to raise money to help support India at this time.
We'll sing mantras, dance, open our hearts, and raise our vibration and consciousness to send out healing energy to all the suffering in India.

All donations received will be sent to a GoFundMe account through Sattva Yoga America, Inc. who is working with the Khushi Charitable Society to provide resources to the local community of Rishikesh in the form of medical supplies and care, food, clothing, etc. and will ensure these resources will support those with the greatest need.

View more info and send your donation to the GoFundMe account

a girl in a yoga pose

AT 10:30AM

On Sunday, September 19th at 10:30am, join Nicolette for a class focused on all things strength and balance! This class will be challenging—think spicy level—we'll break down alignment in some of our favorite arm balances and work on transitions linking them. This intensive is $20.

Partner Yoga

PAST EVENT: Partner Yoga Workshop

Think: using people as props. You'll team up with your partner to get more leverage in forward folds, lift in backbends, and stability in balancing poses. Plus, we'll work on a few simple adjustments that you can use to help each other in poses. This workshop is suitable for all levels. So grab a partner who’s in your bubble (significant other, friend, family member, roommate, etc.) and let’s have some fun! This workshop will be held online and in-studio. Cost: $20 per person.

Restorative yoga training Chicago

PAST EVENT: Restorative Teaching Intensive,  Saturday, November 19th

This intensive will cover the essentials of what you need to know to successfully teach a restorative yoga class. Sequencing, flow, adjustments, prop usage, and modifications will be covered. The class will include practicing restorative poses, giving and receiving hands-on adjustments, lectures, Q&A, and opportunities to practice teaching. You'll receive lecture slides (printed), access to a PDF of restorative poses, and a few pre-written sequences. It’s geared towards anyone who wants to learn more about restorative yoga instructors and students alike! Cost: $150

Yoga community west town Chicago

PAST EVENT: Embodied Solidarity for Palestine: Somatics, Yoga, and Sound Healing

We invite Palestinians, SWANA/BIPOC and allies to join us for a somatic/yoga class and sound bath meditation. Our intention is to bridge the work of embodiment and activism, knowing that our yoga is incomplete without prioritizing somatic tools and ethics for liberation, as well as holding space for the energetic body to find harmony and rest through sound, movement, and vibration.

This is a tenderly held space to support, relax, and honor our bodies and spirits to more holistically mobilize for the liberation of the Palestinian people.

Please bring a mat if you have one (limited supply available) and wear comfortable clothing to move in.

No yoga or meditation experience required—all levels welcome. This event is free and participants are encouraged to donate to the Palestine in Pain Campaign on behalf of this event.

Organized by:
@zalkalby - Zaineb Al-Kalby (200 E-RYT, 300 HR RYT & Somatic Coach) @yogawithamera - Amera Al-Ali (200 E-RYT, MSN, RN, BSN, Registered Nurse, Sound Meditation Facilitator)

Endorsed by:

yoga with a dog

PAST EVENT: Yoga with your Dog
August 12th at 12pm

Come do Downward Dog with your DOG! Part yoga class for humans and part puppy playtime. We'll attempt to do a mild yoga practice while the pups mingle and maybe even incorporate them in a few poses. You are welcome to come if you don't have a dog but need some puppylove. All dogs must be up-to-date on their vaccines.

Yoga and brunch

Embodied Liberation: Cleanse and Calibrate
A Yoga & Sound Bath Event for Palestine

Led by Zaineb Al-Kalby and Amera Al-Ali

@zalkalby - Zaineb Al-Kalby (200 E-RYT, 300 HR RYT & Somatic Coach)
@yogawithamera - Amera Al-Ali (200 E-RYT, MSN, RN, BSN, Registered
Nurse, Sound Meditation Facilitator)

Sun February 25 from 5-7 pm CT

We invite Palestinians, allies, community care & movement practitioners, and other emerging students of spiritual ethics and liberation to an intimate yoga and sound bath experience. This event will explore the significance of the intersections of spiritual liberation, science, anatomy, kundalini, energy, vibration, and collectivism through the theme and practice of cleansing and calibration.

The space is gender inclusive, all abilities/levels/backgrounds friendly with on site restrooms and changing rooms. Please bring your own mat and wear a mask, we have limited quantities available for rental.

No yoga, sound, music, or science background is required.

10% of ticket sales will go directly to support Palestine during this time.

Cost (Sliding Scale):
Pay it Forward - $40
Supporter - $30
Sustainer - $20

Yoga and brunch

Family Yoga Workshop
Saturday, March 9th

Ready to introduce the younger members of your family to yoga or looking for a way to connect as a family? Try Family Yoga with Janna on Saturday, March 9th, 12:30-1:30pm! Family Yoga will be similar to a Mild level class, with a little more playfulness and opportunities for some partner poses. This class is best for families with kids 5-12  (the age rage is flexible and depends child to child). $12 per person, sign up in our calendar! Note: create an account for each person attending (you can use a fake email address for the children you're registering). Email if you have any questions.

Yoga community west town Chicago

Aligning Hips and Heart
Sunday, March 10th

Led by @ZALKALBY - Zaineb Al-Kalby (200 E-RYT, 300 HR RYT & Somatic Coach)

When: Sunday, March 10 from 5-6:30pm CT

Inviting Palestinians, SWANA/BIPOC folx, allies, solidarity organizers, community care & movement practitioners, and other emerging students of spiritual ethics and liberation to an all-levels hatha-alignment yoga practice. This event will take the time to use alignment yoga techniques to clear space in our shoulders, hips, and hearts as we continue to build capacity and community during this overwhelming time.

The space is gender inclusive, all abilities/levels/backgrounds friendly with on site restrooms and changing rooms. Please bring your own mat and wear a mask, we have limited quantities available for rental.

No yoga background is required.

10% of ticket sales will go directly to support Palestine during this time.

Cost (Sliding Scale):
Pay it Forward - $40
Supporter - $30
Sustainer - $20

Yoga community west town Chicago

The Science & Spirit of Sound
Vibration, Frequency, & the Bodies’ Language

Led by Amera Al-Ali, RYT-200, MSN, RN

Sat April 20 from 6-7:30 pm CT

This unique experience is intended for those curious about sound, vibrations, frequencies, and the ways in which these various elements interact with our spirit and energy bodies as well as our physical bodies. This container is highly intended for those who hold unique identities, are practitioners of movement practices, or are simply deepening their understanding of themselves at the intersection of various interests including science, anatomy, spirituality, sound, vibration, and energetic fields.

Each interactive session will culminate in an intimate sound bath experience.

You need not attend all 3 sound sessions to benefit from the program, but are encouraged to attend monthly for maximum benefit from the content and experiences offered in each unique container. This is a gender inclusive space; we welcome all abilities, levels and backgrounds. No sound, music, or science experience required.

Please wear comfortable clothing, bring a notepad, mat, water, and any other materials you enjoy for relaxation. Bolsters and blankets provided in the space for those in need of physical support materials. The space is all abilities friendly with on-site restrooms, changing rooms, and filtered water stations. If you require any special accommodations, please reach out to the facilitator directly.

10% of all ticket sales will go directly to support Palestine at this time.

Cost (Sliding Scale):
Pay it Forward - $40
Supporter - $30
Sustainer - $20